Hwyl a ffag!??? Rauchverbot in Pubs in Wales

In Wales unterstützen den "smoking ban" berühmte Leute wie Opernsänger Bryn Terfel, Caryl Parry Jones (does anyone know her in Germany?), Shirley Bassey (schon bekannter, gell!), Athlet Chritian Malcom, Fußballer Ryan Giggs und viele andere.

Stimmt es, dass in Berlin in diesem Jahr in Bars auch ein Rauchverbot eingeführt werden soll?

In England – nicht Wales – hat ein Fan in einem Fussballstadion geraucht. Jetzt hat er bis zum Saisonende Stadionverbot.
Hier in Wales auf den Bahnhöfen kommen jetzt statt Zug-Ansagen – niemand weiss "at any time" um wieviele Minuten Verspätung es sich handelt – Rauchverbotsansagen auf Walisisch und auf Englisch.

Ein Tipp: Keith Richards von den Rolling Stones kaute seine Zigaretten, vielleicht ist das ein Weg für die Raucher…….
Hwyl a ffag? I do not know………………….if not inside the pub than outside, & ich dachte, ein Bürgersteig ist auch öffentlich!! What is the difference between a pavement and a platform??

Eine Meinung

  1. ‚Big Brother‘ watching pub smokers17/09/2007Smokers outside Welsh pubs are being targeted by CCTV cameras and issued with on-the-spot fines for dropping their fag butts on the floor.Denbighshire County Council is so concerned that smokers are causing increased litter outside pubs that it has taken to watching them ‘Big Brother’ style.They are even prepared to take court action, backed by CCTV footage, against anyone who refuses to stump up the £75 on-the-spot fines.Roly Schwarz, of the Denbighshire Community Safety Partnership, which includes the North Wales Police and the county council, told ICWAles: “CCTV is there to prevent and reduce crime.“People know if they drop a cigarette butt we can identify them.“We are quite happy to publicise that we will and can get evidence in lots of different ways.”A spokesman for pro-tobacco group Forest told the website: “They are trying to extort this money from smokers because they know they can get away with it.“I’ve never heard of CCTV being used for this before.“They’ve only got themselves to blame for this problem. We said there should be a mix of smoking and non-smoking places before the ban came in. Then smokers would have somewhere to go where they would not bother anyone else.”http://www.smokersclubinc.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=4644

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