Michael Jackson Musik und seine größten Hits

An dieser Stelle eine kleine Widmung für den „King of Pop„, der mit seiner Musik gleich mehrere Generationen prägte. Legendär noch immer das Album „Thriller“, das einen Meilenstein in der Musikgeschichte bedeutete und welteit millionenfach verkauft wurde. Selbst das letzte Album von Michael Jackson, das nun wirklich nicht mehr an die glamourösen Zeiten anknüpfen konnte, erzielte erstaunliche Verkaufserlöse.

Michael Jackson – Musik wird weiterleben

Mit der Nachricht vom plötzlichen Tod von Michael Jackson wird den Menschen noch einmal aktiv seine Musik ins Gedächtnis gerufen. Wer sich den Wunsch nach einer Platte von Michael Jackson nach dessen Tod erfüllen möchte, sollte hier bei seinen größten Hits noch einmal zuschlagen. Zu Kaufen gibt es die Platte unter anderem bei Amazon.

Billy Jean – ein unvergesslicher Hit

Zu den schönsten Songs, die Michael Jackson jemals produziert hatte zählt ohne Zweifel „Billy Jean„. Dieses Lied ist eingängig, tanzbar und stets ein Ohrwurm. Unvergleichlich!

Hier Songtext als Hommage an Michael Jackson:

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene.
I said don´t mind, but what do you mean I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round?

She said that I am the one,
Who will dance on the floor in the round!

She told me her name is Billie Jean as she caused a scene.
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one.
Who will dance on the floor in the round.

People always told me,
be careful of what you do.
And don´t go around break in´young girls´ hearts. (heeee)

And mother always told me
be careful of who you love.
And be careful of what you do.
cause the lie becomes the truth. Hey!

Billie Jean is not my lover.
She´s just a girl who claims that I am the one
but the child is not my son.
She says I am the one
but the child is not my son.

For forty days and for forty nights law was on her side.
But who can stand when she´s in demand her schemes and plans,
Who will dance on the floor in the round.

So take my strong advice
just remember to always think twice. (Don’t think twice)
She told my baby we danced till three, and she looked at me,
then showed a photo. My baby cried. His eyes were like mine.
Who will dance on the floor in the round baby

People always told me,
be careful of what you do.
And don´t go around break in young girls` hearts. (heee)
But you came and stood right by me
just a smell of sweet perfume.
This happened much too soon.
She called me to her room.Hey!

Billie Jean is not my lover.
She is just a girl who claims that I am the one
but the child is not my son.
Billie Jean is not my lover.
She is just a girl who claims that I am the one
but the child is not my son.
She says I am the one but the child is not my son.

wewewe. wehw, woh.

She says I am the one but the child is not my son.
Billie Jean is not my lover.
She is just a girl who claims that I am the one
but the child is not my son.
She says I am the one but the child is not my son.
but the child is not my son
She says I am the one but the child is not my son.
She says I am the one
She says I am the one
Billie Jean is not my lover, Billie Jean is not my lover,
Billie Jean is not my lover, Billie Jean is not my lover,
Billie Jean is not my lover…

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